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  • Writer's pictureBarbara Ward

Summer Solstice 2021

Yes, it is the longest day of the year coming up and another beach celebration with a fire ceremony and a wonderous labyrinth. A time to come together for a a shared experience of an ancient celebration of the summer Solstice. It’s an opportunity to shed some old ways of thinking and acting, and turn a bright face to the sunny side of life. The labyrinth is a path to our very center and back …it is not a maze. In fact it’s just the opposite: we get lost in a maze, but we can find our true self in the labyrinth. Please join likeminded people on my beach:

Sunday, June 20, 2021

30 Warren Avenue

from 1-3pm.

Come early and stay late and walk the labyrinth more than once. Prepare to have an “experience” . Be open to your feelings and listen to the messages. Your presence is what is required of you but please bring a donation of some non perishable items for the food pantry.

Feel free to call The YogaConnection for more information at 508.746.4446.

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