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  • Writer's pictureBarbara Ward


Dear Friends of The YogaConnection, 

Yippee! Spring will be sprung Wednesday around 5:30 pm. 

SPRING FULL MOON There will a Super Full Moon. This is the Equinox when the day and  the night are the same measure. 

No matter the weather we must celebrate the miracle of Spring. The seasons transition and so do we. Seeds are planted, things bloom and then die. It’s all part of nature that is both outside us and inside us. The sun comes closer and our bodies and spirits embrace its essence. 

Spring is hope and new beginnings. All equinoxes are opportunities for planting the seeds of positive intentions for ourselves, our loved ones and our world.

Find a way to view the sunrise on Thursday, but watch for the moon as it presents itself to the night sky on Wednesday at about 7 pm and reaches its height and fullness at about 9:45 pm.  

The last time there was a full moon on the Vernal Equinox was 2000 and the next time it happens will be 2030. Absorb and embrace the auspicious   convergence that the first day of Spring offers.

The Worm Moon If you struggle with directions, the equinox gives you your bearings, as it is the time the sunrises directly in the East and sets directly in the West.

The native Americans call the March full moon the Worm Moon because because the worms begin to emerge from the earth. Two major religions celebrate renewal, rebirth and hope...Passover (last supper was a Seder) and Easter

I invite you to be awake and aware of all the subtle and not so subtle miracles of Spring and not just the return of the sun but the songs of the birds and the soft smiles on the formerly frost bitten faces of friends. 

Enjoy, my friends! Check out the snowdrops next to the staircase of the studio entrance. Breathe in to an open heart and plant the seeds of loving kindness, compassion and peace for all being every where. 

Sending love from my Heart to all of your Hearts. 



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