"We cannot help but affect those around us in radiating circles..."
"As we transform our own experiences and relationships to our realities, we cannot help but affect those around us in radiating circles into the larger culture. These moments of freedom and transformation begin to change and elevate the consciousness and awareness of the world." ~ Larry Yang
Dear Friends,
I want to thank all of you who filled out the information sheets I handed out.
Regarding starting a Circle...
I received 23 responses and almost 100% of you want to explore a consciousness raising gathering.
Some of you participated at one time at our first attempt to start a Millionth Circle.
Well, I think now MORE THAN EVER we have to gather in a safe group that can help foster our better nature. We are in unguided territory right now, living in an angry and non compassionate World.
We need a circle... Circles that enhance our authenticity, our trust and our psyches.
A circle is a place where everyone is equal.
A circle is where we can take risks and tell our stories because we know on a very deep level that we learn and are changed by all the stories.
The circle is NOT a therapy group but a group with curiosity and courage to speak truth about anything and everything.
Janet Wade, fellow yogini and curious woman will be part of that circle. Please join us. We will all be witnesses and role models for one another. As a group, we will set the format and the agenda.
Here are some of the topics people wanted to pursue:
How To Deal With Life Transitions
If the concept of creating a tipping point appeals to you {a tipping point happens when enough people gather together to raise their awareness, change happens}.
Join us.Together we will explore and create OUR circle and contribute to creating the tipping point.
Sunday, October 20th from 1 pm to 2:30 pm at the YogaConnection studio. Bring your Questions with you.
Other news at the YogaConnection...
Chair Yoga with Peggy returns on Thursdays, 10:30 am, beginning September 5th.
Eileen’s Wednesday Yoga Class has changed to an earlier start. (Now 4:45 pm from 5:45 pm)
Currently there is no morning Monday class but the Thursday morning class will continue with Diana and Jess sharing as Carol resumes her Thursday afternoon at 3:45pm class.
I will be teaching a Yoga Nidra class once a month.
And it’s possible we may be adding a gentle Pilates class.
The shift in the energy of Mother Nature is a few weeks away...The Autumnal Equinox.
For more information, call the YogaConnection studio anytime: 508.746.4446.
As practicing yogis, embrace the changes, knowing that resisting gets you stuck. Just follow the path moment-to-moment and breath-by-breath. Imagine us all holding hands in a circle and manifesting the positive changes we can create for ourselves and others.
With loving kindness to all of you,